All materials supplied £40. I supply only the best quality pastels and Clairfontaine Pastelmat paper. Paper can also be purchased per sheet if you don't have any
Bring your own materials £35
Bookable with a £10 deposit and balance payable on the day
All of the workshops are suitable for beginners and improvers alike.
You can either follow along with me or bring your own reference photo and work with my guidance
Soft pastels are one of the easiest mediums to work with. They are pure pigment with binder, rather like chalks. Pastels were much loved by the impressionists for their vibrancy, ease of use and easy transportation.
There are many different ways to use them and you will be amazed at what you can create.
Join me to learn how to create beautiful artwork in soft pastels. Each workshop covers a different theme.
Sunday, February 16th, Snow
Saturday March 1st, Spring Florals